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Mars rover

Sojourner rover on Mars Prop-M rovers A Martian sunset at Gusev Crater. Spirit rover, May 19, 2005. MSL mockup compared with the Mars Exploration Rover and Sojourner rover by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory on May 12, 2008 Three generations of U.S. Mars rovers A Mars rover is an automated motor vehicle which propels itself across the surface of the planet Mars after landing.Rovers have several advantages over stationary landers: they examine more territory, they can be directed to interesting features, they can place themselves in sunny positions to weather winter months and they can advance the knowledge of how to perform very remote robotic vehicle control.There have been four successful Mars rovers, all of them robotically operated. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory managed the Mars Pathfinder mission with its Sojourner rover and currently manages the Mars Exploration Rover mission with its two rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, for NASA’s Office of Space Science, Washington, DC, and also the Curiosity, which was part of the Mars Science Laboratory mission.
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