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Existence of God

Luca Giordano, Dream of Solomon, c. 1693 Part of a series on God General conceptions Agnosticism Apatheism Atheism Deism Henotheism Ignosticism Monotheism Omnism Panentheism Pantheism Polytheism Theism Transtheism Specific conceptions Creator Demiurge Devil Deus Father Great Architect Monad Mother Supreme Being Sustainer The All The Lord Trinity Tawhid Ditheism Monism Personal Unitarianism In particular religions Abrahamic Bahá'í Christianity Islam Judaism Mormonism Ancient Egyptian Monotheism Buddhism Hinduism Jainism Sikhism Zoroastrianism Attributes Eternalness Existence Gender Names ("God") Omnibenevolence Omnipotence Omnipresence Omniscience Experiences and practices Belief Esotericism Faith Fideism Gnosis Hermeticism Metaphysics Mysticism Prayer Revelation Worship Related topics Euthyphro dilemma God complex God gene Theology Ontology Philosophy Problem of evil Religion Religious texts Portrayals of God in popular media v t e Part of a series on Irreligion Secular humanism Freethought Post-theism Nontheism Anti-clericalism Antireligion Criticism of religion Parody religion History Demographics Discrimination Criticism Lists of atheists Forms and variations Implicit and explicit Negative and positive New State Christian Hindu Jewish Aspects Anti-clericalism Antireligion Antitheism Atheism–religion relationship Existence of God Strong Weak Atheistic Theistic Apatheism Secular Buddhism List of agnostics Criticism of religion Secular humanism Freethought Flying Spaghetti Monster Ignosticism Inconsistent revelations Invisible Pink Unicorn Parody religion Post-theism Russell's teapot Theological noncognitivism Transtheism Humanistic Metaphysical Methodological Religious Agnostics Atheists Deists Humanists Pantheists The End of Faith The God Delusion God Is Not Great The System of Nature Letter to a Christian Nation Why I Am Not a Christian Why I Am Not a Muslim Atheist Alliance International Freedom From Religion Foundation Reason Rally World Pantheist Movement Secularism Laïcité Parody or mock religions Irreligion by country v t e Part of a series on Philosophy of religion Concepts in religion Afterlife Euthyphro dilemma Faith Intelligent design Miracle Religious belief Soul Spirit Theodicy Theological veto Concepts Augustinian theodicy Best of all possible worlds Euthyphro dilemma Inconsistent triad Irenaean theodicy Natural evil Theodicy Conceptions of God Aristotelian view Brahman Demiurge Divine simplicity Egoism Holy Spirit Maltheism Pandeism Personal god Process theology Supreme being Unmoved mover Abrahamic religions Buddhism Christianity Hinduism Islam Jainism Mormonism Sikhism Bahá'í Faith Existence of God Beauty Christological Consciousness Cosmological Love Miracles Morality Ontological Pascal's Wager Proper basis Reason Teleological Natural-law Watchmaker analogy Transcendental 747 gambit Atheist's Wager Evil Free will Hell Inconsistent revelations Nonbelief Noncognitivism Occam's razor Omnipotence paradox Poor design Russell's teapot Theories of religion Acosmism Agnosticism Animism Antireligion Atheism Dharmism Deism Divine command theory Dualism Esotericism Exclusivism Existentialism (Christian Agnostic Atheist) Feminist theology Fundamentalism Gnosticism Henotheism Humanism (Religious Secular Christian) Inclusivism Monism Monotheism Mysticism Naturalism (Metaphysical Religious Humanistic) New Age Nondualism Nontheism Pandeism Pantheism Perennialism Polytheism Process theology Spiritualism Shamanism Taoic Theism Transcendentalism Religious language Eschatological verification Language-game Logical positivism Apophatic theology Verificationism Philosophers of religion Simon Critchley Daniel Dennett Theodore Drange Paul Draper Anthony Kenny Jennifer Michael Hecht Michael Martin Hajime Nakamura Keiji Nishitani Huston Smith Robert Merrihew Adams William Alston Charles Bell Vincent Brümmer Elizabeth Burns John Caird Alexandre Christoyannopoulos Paul Copan William Lane Craig Ingolf U. Dalferth Brian Davies Lynn de Silva Mircea Eliade C. Stephen Evans Franklin I. Gamwell Norman Geisler Gary Habermas John E. Hare John Hick Alice von Hildebrand Dietrich von Hildebrand Peter van Inwagen Søren Kierkegaard Norman Kretzmann Brian Leftow Herbert McCabe John McIntyre George F. McLean John Macquarrie Trenton Merricks Vincent Miceli Paul Moser Rudolf Otto William Paley Kuruvilla Pandikattu David L. Paulsen Nancy Pearcey Alvin Plantinga Hans Rookmaaker Francis Schaeffer Wolfgang Smith Melville Y. Stewart Richard Swinburne Charles Taliaferro Georges Tamer Anthony Thiselton Keith Ward Vernon White Phillip H. Wiebe William Wollaston Keith Yandell al-Amiri Averroes Avicenna Abdel Rahman Badawi Brethren of Purity Mir Damad al-Farabi al-Ghazali Ibn Arabi Ibn Bajjah Ibn Masarra Ibn Miskawayh Muhammad Iqbal al-Kindi Seyyed Hossein Nasr Fakhruddin al-Razi M. ibn Zakariyya al-Razi Mulla Sadra al-Shahrastani Shahabuddin Suhrawardi al-Tusi Shah Waliullah Iqbal Ali Shariati Tariq Ramadan Martin Buber Abraham Joshua Heschel Maimonides Moses Mendelssohn Steven Schwarzschild Joseph B. Soloveitchik Baruch Spinoza A. H. Almaas Robert K.C. Forman Pamela Sue Anderson William Hatcher Davis Dorothy Emmet Ivan Esaulov Frederick Ferré Gustav Glogau Charles Hartshorne Seiichi Hatano William S. Hatcher Klaus Klostermaier Jonathan Kvanvig Aloysius Martinich Françoise Meltzer Joseph Runzo J. J. C. Smart William F. Vallicella Michael Zank Dean Zimmerman Related concepts Criticism of religion Ethics in religion Exegesis History of religions Religion Religious philosophy Theology Relationship between religion and science Political science of religion Faith and rationality more... v t e Arguments for and against the existence of God have been proposed by philosophers, theologians, scientists, and others for thousands of years. In philosophical terms, such arguments involve primarily the disciplines of epistemology (the nature and scope of knowledge) and ontology (study of the nature of being, existence, or reality) and also the theory of value, since concepts of perfection are connected to notions of God. A wide variety of arguments exist which can be categorized as metaphysical, logical, empirical, or subjective. The existence of God is subject to lively debate in philosophy, the philosophy of religion, and popular culture.The Western tradition of philosophical discussion of the existence of God began with Plato and Aristotle, who made arguments that would now be categorized as cosmological. Other arguments for the existence of God have been proposed by St. Anselm, who formulated the first ontological argument; Ibn Rushd (Averroes) and Aquinas, who presented their own versions of the cosmological argument (the kalam argument and the first way, respectively); Descartes, who said that the existence of a benevolent God was logically necessary for the evidence of the senses to be meaningful; and Immanuel Kant, who argued that the existence of God can be deduced from the existence of good. Thinkers who have provided arguments against the existence of God include David Hume, Kant, Nietzsche, and Bertrand Russell. In modern culture, the question of God's existence has been discussed by scientists such as Stephen Hawking, Francis Collins, Richard Dawkins, and John Lennox, as well as philosophers including Richard Swinburne, Alvin Plantinga, William Lane Craig, Daniel Dennett, Edward Feser, and David Bentley Hart.Atheists generally maintain that arguments for the existence of God provide insufficient reason to believe. Additionally, some contend that it is possible to affirmatively disprove the existence of God, or of certain characteristics traditionally attributed to God such as perfection.Fideists acknowledge that belief in the existence of God may not be amenable to demonstration or refutation, but rests on faith alone. The Catholic Church maintains that knowledge of the existence of God is available in the "natural light of human reason". Other religions, such as Buddhism, do not concern themselves with the existence of gods at all. ^ See e.g. The Rationality of Theism quoting Quentin Smith "God is not 'dead' in academia; it returned to life in the late 1960s". They cite "the shift from hostility towards theism in Paul Edwards's Encyclopedia of Philosophy (1967) to sympathy towards theism in the more recent Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy ^ "The Argument From Perfection". Retrieved 2013-03-06.  ^ Catechism of the Catholic Church, Paragraph 47; cf. Canons of the First Vatican Council, 2:2
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