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Look up S, s, or ? in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Greek alphabet ?a Alpha ?? Nu ?ß Beta ?? Xi G? Gamma ?? Omicron ?d Delta ?p Pi ?e Epsilon ?? Rho ?? Zeta Ss? Sigma ?? Eta ?t Tau T? Theta ?? Upsilon ?? Iota Ff Phi ?? Kappa ?? Chi ?? Lambda ?? Psi ?µ Mu O? Omega History Archaic local variants Diacritics Ligatures Numerals ? (6) ? (90) ? (900) Use in other languages Bactrian Coptic Albanian Related topics Use as scientific symbols Book Category Commons v t e Sigma (upper-case S, lower-case s, lower-case in word-final position ?; Greek s??µa) is the eighteenth letter of the Greek alphabet. In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of 200. When used at the end of a word, when the word is not all upper-case, the final form (?) is used, e.g. ?d?sse?? (Odysseus); note the two sigmas in the center of the name, and the word-final sigma at the end.
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