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Imagenes (band)

Imagenes Origin Lima, Peru Genres Punk rock, Hardcore punk Years active 1986–1988, 1999 Associated acts Hombres G Past members Diego Bertie, Aurelio Garcia, Dante Albertini, Hernan Campos, Gastón Acurio Imágenes was a Peruvian rock band conformed by the now actor Diego Bertie (vocals), Aurelio "Chifa" García Miró(drums), Dante Albertini(bass) and Hernán Campos(guitar).The musical debut of the now actor Diego Bertie was in 1986 when he was a student of the Universidad del Pacifico, he join his class teammates Aurelio Garcia Miró, Dante Albertini and Hernan Campos, they initiated the band when they were in High School, and they called it Imágenes. before Diego was in vocals, the lead singer was the extremely recognized Peruvian Cheff, Gastón Acurio, he left the band because he went to Spain to study, but the other 3 members kept the band alive and Diego joined to make it real.At the end of 1986, they recorded their first song and first hit, "Los Buenos Tiempos", it was a hit during summer of 1987.A curious thing is that Imágenes almost didn't do any concert. Their concerts can be "counted with the fingers" because for their members Imágenes was only a hobbie. The most important concert was when they opened the show to Hombres G, when the performed at Colegio San Agustín in October 1987. In August, 1988 they released their first and only LP called Nuestra Versión, which contained the hit songs "Los Buenos Tiempos", "Caras Nuevas", "Una Vez Más", "Más Humano", "Sacamos Las Fotos" and "Quién Llora". in June, 1988 they released "Caras Nuevas", their new single that also became a hit in Perú, this single had a very successful video-clip.In Nuestra Versión, Roxana Valdivieso participates in two songs: "Sacamos las fotos", performed by Roxana and Diego and "Más humano", where she sang in the chorus of the songs. Jean Pierre Magnet also participates playing the saxofon in the songs "Quien llora" and "No sé que voy a hacer". In 1988 they released the 3rd single "Una Vez Más", this song was a very successful hit as "Los Buenos Tiempos" and "Caras Nuevas" were.In December, 1988, Imágenes dissolved because no one of the members worked hard to make the band alive, because they were dedicated to other things, like acting as in the case of Diego. In 3 years together, Imágenes had three successful hits and 3 videoclips, being a very influential band.In 1989, Diego attempted to begin a solo career. In the 90's, Diego's acting career was very successful, he was acting in a lot of Novels and Mini-series. In 1997 Diego released "Fuego Azul", his only solo album with the hits songs "Que Dificil Es Amar" which had an awesome video-clip, "El Fuego Que No Ves" and "La Noche", he did a lot of presentations in "La Noche de Barranco, but his priority was his successful acting career.In 1999, Imágenes reunited for one an only last concert after 11 years since the band break-up. The concert was held at the Hard Rock Cafe of Lima, it was a very nostalgic concert, because all members were already out of the music business to focus in other priorities. All Imágenes fans were there, they performed all their songs. After this last concert Imágenes never reunited again.
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