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Are We Alone?

Are We Alone? Are We Alone? Logo Hosting Seth Shostak Molly Bentley Language English Length Approximately 50 minutes Audio format MP3 Genre Science Website Are We Alone? website Big Picture Science (formerly called Are We Alone?) is the SETI Institute's weekly science radio program, hosted by Senior Astronomer Seth Shostak and Molly Bentley, the Executive producer of the radio show.The show covers a broad range of topics in the sciences as they relate to our understanding of the origin and evolution of life on Earth, and what life elsewhere in the universe might be like. Each week's show has a theme and allows scientists to share their latest findings and speculate on the implications for SETI (the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) and society in general.Guests include scientists and researchers from academic, public and private spheres (including NASA), popular science writers, cultural critics and ethicists focused on science. Phil Plait is a recurring guest, with an own segment called "Brains on Vacation". One show a month is devoted to critical thinking and debunkers of junk science and the paranormal: "Skeptic Check".The show is broadcast on public radio stations stations KLIV in San Jose, WCMU-FM in Michigan, WVPE in Indiana, WHRV in Virginia, WIEC in Wisconsin as well as World FM in Tawa, Wellington, New Zealand. The show is also available for download via podcast and direct download from the show's website where archived shows from 2006 onwards can also be found.In May 2011, Executive Producer Molly Bentley announced on the show's blog that its name would be changing to Big Picture Science in mid-July. Cite error: There are tags on this page, but the references will not show without a {{Reflist}} template or a tag; see the help page.
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