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Telomerase reverse transcriptase

Telomerase reverse transcriptase Available structures PDB Ortholog search: PDBe, RCSB List of PDB id codes 2BCK?, 4B18?, 4MNQ? Identifiers Symbols TERT ; CMM9; DKCA2; DKCB4; EST2; PFBMFT1; TCS1; TP2; TRT; hEST2; hTRT External IDs OMIM: 187270 MGI: 1202709 HomoloGene: 31141 ChEMBL: 2916 GeneCards: TERT Gene EC number Gene ontology Molecular function • tRNA binding • transcription coactivator binding • DNA binding • telomerase activity • telomeric template RNA reverse transcriptase activity • RNA binding • RNA-directed DNA polymerase activity • RNA-directed RNA polymerase activity • protein binding • nucleotidyltransferase activity • telomeric DNA binding • protein homodimerization activity • metal ion binding • telomeric RNA binding Cellular component • telomerase catalytic core complex • chromosome, telomeric region • nuclear telomere cap complex • nucleoplasm • telomerase holoenzyme complex • nucleolus • PML body • RNA-directed RNA polymerase complex • mitochondrial nucleoid • TERT-RMRP complex Biological process • telomere maintenance • transcription, RNA-templated • RNA-dependent DNA replication • telomere maintenance via telomerase • mitochondrion organization • negative regulation of gene expression • DNA strand elongation • positive regulation of Wnt signaling pathway • production of siRNA involved in RNA interference • RNA biosynthetic process • positive regulation of hair cycle • positive regulation of nitric-oxide synthase activity • cellular response to hypoxia • DNA biosynthetic process • replicative senescence • positive regulation of pri-miRNA transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter • negative regulation of production of siRNA involved in RNA interference • positive regulation of stem cell proliferation • negative regulation of cellular senescence • negative regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in absence of ligand Sources: Amigo / QuickGO RNA expression pattern More reference expression data Orthologs Species Human Mouse Entrez 7015 21752 Ensembl ENSG00000164362 ENSMUSG00000021611 UniProt O14746 O70372 RefSeq (mRNA) NM_001193376 NM_009354 RefSeq (protein) NP_001180305 NP_033380 Location (UCSC) Chr 5: 1.25 – 1.3 Mb Chr 13: 73.63 – 73.65 Mb PubMed search v t e Telomerase reverse transcriptase (abbreviated to TERT, or hTERT in humans) is a catalytic subunit of the enzyme telomerase, which, together with the telomerase RNA component (TERC), comprises the most important unit of the telomerase complex.Telomerases are part of a distinct subgroup of RNA-dependent polymerases. Telomerase lengthens telomeres in DNA strands, thereby allowing senescent cells that would otherwise become postmitotic and undergo apoptosis to exceed the Hayflick limit and become potentially immortal, as is often the case with cancerous cells. To be specific, TERT is responsible for catalyzing the addition of nucleotides in a TTAGGG sequence to the ends of a chromosome’s telomeres. This addition of repetitive DNA sequences prevents degradation of the chromosomal ends following multiple rounds of replication.hTERT absence (usually as a result of a chromosomal mutation) is associated with the disorder Cri du chat. ^ Weinrich SL, Pruzan R, Ma L, Ouellette M, Tesmer VM, Holt SE, Bodnar AG, Lichtsteiner S, Kim NW, Trager JB, Taylor RD, Carlos R, Andrews WH, Wright WE, Shay JW, Harley CB, Morin GB (December 1997). "Reconstitution of human telomerase with the template RNA component hTR and the catalytic protein subunit hTRT". Nat. Genet. 17 (4): 498–502. doi:10.1038/ng1297-498. PMID 9398860.  ^ Kirkpatrick KL, Mokbel K (2001). "The significance of human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) in cancer". Eur J Surg Oncol 27 (8): 754–60. doi:10.1053/ejso.2001.1151. PMID 11735173.  ^ Shampay J, Blackburn EH (January 1988). "Generation of telomere-length heterogeneity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae". Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 85 (2): 534–8. doi:10.1073/pnas.85.2.534. PMC 279585. PMID 3277178.  ^ Poole JC, Andrews LG, Tollefsbol TO (May 2001). "Activity, function, and gene regulation of the catalytic subunit of telomerase (hTERT)". Gene 269 (1-2): 1–12. doi:10.1016/S0378-1119(01)00440-1. PMID 11376932.  ^ Zhang A, Zheng C, Hou M, Lindvall C, Li KJ, Erlandsson F, Björkholm M, Gruber A, Blennow E, Xu D (2003). "Deletion of the telomerase reverse transcriptase gene and haploinsufficiency of telomere maintenance in Cri du chat syndrome". Am. J. Hum. Genet. 72 (4): 940–8. doi:10.1086/374565. PMC 1180356. PMID 12629597.  ^ Cerruti Mainardi P (2006). "Cri du Chat syndrome". Orphanet J Rare Dis 1: 33. doi:10.1186/1750-1172-1-33. PMC 1574300. PMID 16953888.
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