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Many-worlds interpretation

The quantum-mechanical "Schrödinger's cat" paradox according to the many-worlds interpretation. In this interpretation every event is a branch point; the cat is both alive and dead, even before the box is opened, but the "alive" and "dead" cats are in different branches of the universe, both of which are equally real, but which cannot interact with each other. The many-worlds interpretation is an interpretation of quantum mechanics that asserts the objective reality of the universal wavefunction, but denies the actuality of wavefunction collapse. Many-worlds implies that all possible alternative histories and futures are real, each representing an actual "world" (or "universe"). It is also referred to as MWI, the relative state formulation, the Everett interpretation, the theory of the universal wavefunction, many-universes interpretation, or just many-worlds.The original relative state formulation is due to Hugh Everett in 1957. Later, this formulation was popularized and renamed many-worlds by Bryce Seligman DeWitt in the 1960s and 1970s. The decoherence approaches to interpreting quantum theory have been further explored and developed, becoming quite popular. MWI is one of many multiverse hypotheses in physics and philosophy. It is currently considered a mainstream interpretation along with the other decoherence interpretations and the Copenhagen interpretation.Prior to many-worlds, reality had always been viewed as a single unfolding history. Many-worlds, however, views reality as a many-branched tree, wherein every possible quantum outcome is realised. Many-worlds claims to reconcile the observation of non-deterministic events, such as the random radioactive decay, with the fully deterministic equations of quantum physics. In many-worlds, the subjective appearance of wavefunction collapse is explained by the mechanism of quantum decoherence, which resolves all of the correlation paradoxes of quantum theory, such as the EPR paradox and Schrödinger's cat, since every possible outcome of every event defines or exists in its own "history" or "world". In lay terms, there is a very large—perhaps infinite—number of universes, and everything that could possibly have happened in our past, but did not, has occurred in the past of some other universe or universes. Quantum mechanics Introduction Glossary · History Bra-ket notation · Classical mechanics Hamiltonian · Interference Old quantum theory Complementarity · Decoherence Duality · Ehrenfest theorem Entanglement · Exclusion Measurement · Probability amplitude Nonlocality · Quantum state Superposition · Tunnelling Uncertainty · Wave function Bell's inequality · Davisson–Germer Delayed choice quantum eraser Double-slit · Elitzur–Vaidman Popper · Quantum eraser Schrödinger's cat · Stern–Gerlach Wheeler's delayed choice Formulations Heisenberg · Interaction Matrix mechanics · Schrödinger Sum over histories Dirac · Klein–Gordon Pauli · Rydberg Schrödinger Interpretations (overview) Consciousness-caused Consistent histories Copenhagen · de Broglie–Bohm Ensemble · Hidden variables Many-worlds · Objective collapse Pondicherry · Quantum logic Relational · Stochastic Transactional Quantum chaos · Quantum field theory Quantum information science Scattering theory Bell · Bohm · Bohr · Born · Bose de Broglie · Dirac · Ehrenfest Everett · Feynman · Heisenberg Jordan · Kramers · von Neumann Pauli · Planck · Schrödinger Sommerfeld · Wien · Wigner v d e Cite error: There are tags on this page, but the references will not show without a {{Reflist}} template or a tag; see the help page.
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